At this time of year, when people are exchanging germs more freely than ever, having a strong immune system is vital in order to avoid colds and flu. Though scientists still do not fully comprehend how our immune systems operate, certain behaviors and habits have been shown to boost its functionality and help you stay healthier.
The immune system is an intricate network of cells, molecules, tissues and organs designed to protect our bodies by recognizing harmful pathogens and initiating an automatic, coordinated response that assists healing. When making healthy choices it strengthens; conversely when engaging in unhealthy ones which can lead to illness and disease it weakens.
Foods and activities that can support overall wellness include eating a variety of fruits and veggies, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, managing stress effectively and not smoking. Supplements (herbs or vitamins) may also support immune health – consult your healthcare provider about which ones might work for you.
Consuming an array of colorful fruits and vegetables is one way to provide your immune system with essential vitamins and nutrients. Antioxidants found in such foods as vitamin C (found in citrus fruits and leafy greens), vitamin E (found in nuts, seeds and spinach) and vitamin D (found in fish and fortified milk) act as protection from free radicals that damage our bodies.
Protein-rich foods are crucial to building and repairing immune cells. Choose lean animal proteins as well as plant-based proteins like beans and legumes in your meals and snacks throughout the day for maximum immune support.
An immune-supportive diet must include limited consumption of both saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats increase heart disease risk while trans fats may lead to high cholesterol, decreasing immunity.
Sleep, shade and exercise are proven methods for strengthening immunity. To find the most appropriate plan for you and your medical conditions, speak to a healthcare provider but even mild-to-moderate exercise like daily 30-minute walks can help keep your immune system strong.
Supplying your body with enough water is vital to its proper functioning, including immunity. Try drinking one glass of water at each meal and snack, keeping a water bottle nearby. Incorporating more natural, whole food sources of nutrition into meals and snacks. Sugary drinks and juices should be consumed moderately as these can suppress immune c