As it pertains to your health, every bit of exercise counts. Unfortunately, finding time for regular workouts in your busy schedule can seem impossible – however there are a number of easy strategies you can implement into your everyday life that make adding exercise less of an burden and more achievable.
Focusing on making fitness fun and enjoyable will keep you engaged with your fitness program, and may encourage more challenging activities to try. Find an activity that matches both your lifestyle and abilities while enjoying it!
If the gym isn’t for you, why not consider taking your workout outdoors instead? Hiking, swimming and playing sports are great activities that can be shared among friends or family while simultaneously getting your body moving and having lots of fun doing it!
People often make the mistake of thinking exercise needs to be intense to be beneficial, when this could not be further from the truth. You don’t need to run marathons or lift heavy weights in order to stay healthy – never push beyond pain threshold; start slowly and increase intensity over time when embarking on any new program.
One way to increase enjoyment when exercising is finding an activity you enjoy and then using triggers as motivators for beginning your fitness program. Triggers could include anything from specific times or places where workouts begin to alarms that go off at set intervals so you know it’s time for exercise when they go off; or simply placing gym clothes in their place so they are already waiting when morning comes around!
Plan your exercise sessions carefully, allowing ample rest time between each workout session for your muscles to rebuild and repair themselves. For best results, it is advised that if working out two consecutive days in a row, take 48 hours off in between workouts so your muscles have time to recuperate.
If you’re not quite ready to commit to an exercise program or simply looking for something different, volunteering can be an excellent way to increase the movement in your daily life. Spending time helping someone move house, gardening for an elderly neighbour or running to shops on lunch break are all beneficial forms of movement! Also try taking stairs instead of elevators at work; taking this action can boost metabolism as well as provide you with an opportunity to change scenery!